Another successful year for Kent County Council’s No Use Empty Initiative, the partnership between Kent and the District Borough Councils, in its 5th Anniversary Year. The total value of interest free loans administered to empty property owners across the County at 31st March 2011 now stands at £4.1M.
83 units have been supported with a loan during 2010-11, up from 54 units in 2009-10. These loans will help the owners to renovate new family homes across Kent including Dover, Thanet, Dartford, Shepway and Sevenoaks.
To Date:
£ 4.1M Interest Free loans have been approved attracting
£ 8M of additional leverage giving a
£ 12.1M total investment into Empty Homes
1,677 units of accommodation across the County following No Use Empty and Local Authority Intervention since launch (data to 31st March 2011)
219 units supported by our Interest Free Loan Scheme since launch (data to 31st March 2011)